Reports (135,023)
Requests for Street Cleaning
Broken glass around light pole
CLOSED #101005824366Resolved. Broken glass picked up.
Needle Cleanup
One needle on the sidewalk nexted to the light pole with the streetsweeping sign on it | Needle Quantity: [One] Property Location Type: [Public]
CLOSED #101005824035Resolved. 1dw.
Dead Animal Pickup
Dead bird on curb next to wood pole
CLOSED #101005823718Resolved. Picked up.
Illegal Parking
Why was this closed! The report was about the black truck past the handicap parking pole. Rear end of truck in the handicap space! It is still in the space. It was Not about the car with the handicap placard. It's about the black truck that was clearly photographed!
CLOSED #101005822244Case Resolved. Thank you for contacting Boston 311. A citation has been issued.
Illegal Parking
Black truck is parked past the handicap pole! Somewhat in the Handicapped.
CLOSED #101005822229Duplicate of Existing Case.
Needle Cleanup
#101005821869 NOT resolved, needle still on sw corridor at the end of Clarmont Park beneath light pole 816 and marked with an orange stake...
CLOSED #101005821965Resolved. Needle recovered. JT DF.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Street Light] Problem: [Fedex truck hit pole.Fedex truck gone.Street light down on street.Notified street lighting] Light blocking the street or sidewalk: [Yes]
CLOSED #101005821905Resolved. Picked up and made safe. Created request for new sub base in preparation of light pole replacement.
Needle Cleanup
needle and IV drug abuse debris on the Southwest Corridor at the end of Clermont Park beneath light pole 816 and marked with an orange stake
CLOSED #101005821869Resolved. Duplicate call needle recovered. JT DF.
Damaged Sign
Street sign down at Worthington St and Smith St. Saw an MBTA bus hit it lol
CLOSED #101005821485Duplicate of Existing Case. The following request has already been submitted to the City of Boston. Please follow case #101005821510 for any information relating to this request. The City of Boston thanks you for your cooperation.
Damaged Sign
One way sign on the ground
CLOSED #101005821265Duplicate of Existing Case. Duplicate CRM. Work Order already submitted for signage replacementway sign on the ground D.