Reports (1,185)
Empty Litter Basket
Every trash barrel in the north end looks like this
OPEN #101005918446 -
Empty Litter Basket
Overflowing dumpsters
OPEN #101005918055 -
Empty Litter Basket
Car blocking FIRE LANE, multiple complaints, name address and license plates given to BTD, but no violations. Kids uncle works in City Hall, friends in City Agency's. This is not equity, Tito.
OPEN #101005917391 -
Empty Litter Basket
Rude and mean 311 operators; I am not calling for you to argue with me about poor service delivery. The service delivery is poor like your attitude.
OPEN #101005917375 -
Empty Litter Basket
Cool Shades Restaurant Trash 388 blue hill Ave trash causing mice and birds when trash piles up it blocks pedestrians to walk on street side walk
OPEN #101005917183 -
Empty Litter Basket
Trailer blocking lane of travel. Sidewalk is completely blocked. Wheel chair users have been hit by cars because of this trailer. Extremely dangerous.
OPEN #101005916343 -
Empty Litter Basket
Project Oscar bins in North End need a pickup
OPEN #101005860736 -
Empty Litter Basket
Brown/black garbage sludge on street
OPEN #101005854780 -
Empty Litter Basket
Overflowing basket
OPEN #101005814154