Reports (257)

  • chris please inspect report of exposed concrete located at the botton of slide & the sliding pole in the tot-lot area at ross park after inspection advise for repairs to trades or design & construction thanks rickt. | SR Type: [Support Services General] SR Area: [Support Services]

    CLOSED #101000977225
  • Light pole near the back stop of the baseball field is leaning; constituent believes that it is going to fall very soon |

    CLOSED #101000972826
  • painters remove graffiti from pole at ryan playground | SR Type: [Graffiti] SR Area: [Trades]

    CLOSED #101000969891
  • Graffiti on poles and on Pump House building. | SR Type: [Graffiti] SR Area: [Trades]

    CLOSED #101000964616
  • painters remove graffti from poles & tot-lot area at billings park | SR Type: [Graffiti] SR Area: [Trades]

    CLOSED #101000964278
  • painters remove graffiti from pole at almont park | SR Type: [Graffiti] SR Area: [Trades]

    CLOSED #101000964275
  • Graffiti on green wall behind dugout and light poles. | SR Type: [Graffiti] SR Area: [Trades]

    CLOSED #101000956299
  • Graffiti on basketball hoop poles and benches at basketball court. | SR Type: [Graffiti] SR Area: [Trades]

    CLOSED #101000948956
  • I frequent this park and LOVE it, as do many other neighborhood parents. One constant source of stress (and discussion) is the giant opening at the top of the large play structure. It's designed so that a child can slide down a spiral pole located next to the opening. However, the vast majority of kids who play at this park are 2 and under and are far too young to enjoy this feature. Rather it poses a big danger. My own son nearly walked off of this "cliff" once and I see parents directing their kids away from it constantly. I've only seen it used appropriately by an older child twice (in daily park visits over the last 4 months). This playground would be much safer and just as fun if the hole were somehow fully or partially closed. It would be a big relief to parents and would prevent potential liability issues for the city, should a young child ever fall from that height. Parents are always discussing how much better things at the park would be without the hole and how they wish it didn't exist so I thought maybe it was worth a shot to see if the city can affix something to the structure to close off the opening and make it much safer for the young children who play there. | SR Area: [Trades]

    CLOSED #101000948591
  • remove graffiti from pole & park back bays fens | SR Type: [Graffiti] SR Area: [Trades]

    CLOSED #101000928289




Ticket Type

  • Park Maintenance Requests (Remove)