Reports (1,737)
Construction Debris
The trailer belongs to # 9 perkins Ave On going problem the trash truck can't get down the street. | Construction debris: [New being built # 7 Perkins ave] Exact location: [Trailer on the street.]
CLOSED #101005853020Noted. Not a code enforcement issue please contact BTD.
Construction Debris
has been there for 3 weeks, cited previously, they refise to move it onto the site | Construction debris: [there is a construction site port a potty in the roadway] Exact location: [rear of construction, Belmont St. in a parking spot on the roadway]
CLOSED #101005852888Resolved. Citation issued for occupying without valid permit.
Construction Debris
Constituent states there is construction material on the sidewalk and a porta potty placed on the street parking spot with a non city issued sign saying no parking. Constituent is requesting inspection and ticket. | Construction debris: [wood, equipment, porta-potty] Exact location: [street and sidewalk]
CLOSED #101005852875Resolved. Citation issued for occupying without a valid permit.
Construction Debris
Problem property, previously had a fire. hasn't been maintained in some time. Today, 2 guys throwin debris off the roof. Probably back tomorrow too | Construction debris: [Shingle fragments from the roof] Exact location: [Sidewalk & side alley]
CLOSED #101005851691Noted. No evidence found for a code enforcement violation at this time.
Construction Debris
Truck unloading sheet rock and placing it on the sidewalk | Construction debris: [Sheet Rock on the sidewalk] Exact location: [sidewalk]
CLOSED #101005811917Resolved. Contractors removing materials from sidewalk.
Construction Debris
Construction debris: [Sticks, Dry Wall, Foam, Insulation Foam, Rocks, Dirt,] Exact location: [Bathroom, Tub, Sink, Toilet, Bedroom Closet, Outside Hallway, Storage Room,]
CLOSED #101005810124Resolved. Not a code enforcement issue.
Construction Debris
CLOSED #101005783368Resolved. No violation found at time of inspection.
Construction Debris
BPD where in alley 7216.. 11/15/24 BPD removed a homeless person from unlocked porta pot.Please remove from public alley | Construction debris: [Porty pottey in the public alley unlocked.] Exact location: [Alley 7216]
CLOSED #101005781527Noted. No violation found upon arrival at location at this time.
Construction Debris
roofing depris in alley coming from roof. | Construction debris: [A constuction crew is throwing depris from a roof into a truck in the alley] Exact location: [Alley 435 Between Arlington and Berkley]
CLOSED #101005779985Noted. No violation found upon arrival at location at this time.
Construction Debris
Our landlord has been doing construction on the unit above ours, with work that started well before he had a permit. Our porch is covered in construction debris and he put stuff from the hallway on top of my plants on the porch. He also somehow drilled through the closet ceiling in the unit upstairs, with drywall material and other debris getting into my closet downstairs, damaging my clothes and some bath items that are no longer safe to use. | Construction debris: [Dust, drywall, debris, trash and other debris] Exact location: [1. On the porch underneath the unit above us where the landlord is doing construction and in the "yard" area behind it. 2. Closet in one of the bedrooms where the landlord drilled through the upstairs floor]
CLOSED #101005776279Noted. No code enforcement violations found, can not get access to rear because gate is locked, caller should report to isd building dept.