Reports (8)

  • Traffic Signal Repair

    1080 1078 Boylston St, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Image submitted with report

    Graffiti crosswalk signal on island by bike lane

    CLOSED #101005588088

    Case Resolved.

  • Traffic Signal Repair

    Intersection Of Cambridge St And Lincoln St, Allston, Ma

    Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Controller/Timing Issues] Please explain: [The timing of the lights at the intersections of Cambridge and Lincoln St. as well as Cambridge and Harvard St. is not optimal, especially now that one of the lanes of traffic for Eastbound traffic has been removed for a bike lane. There is a green arrow for traffic going in both directions at both of these intersections, yet there is rarely someone in Westbound traffic that is turning left. The lights should be adjusted so that if there is no left turning traffic in one direction, all lanes of traffic in the opposite direction could go at the same time. The lights should be able to adjust for actual traffic needs. In addition, the timing of when the lights turn green at these intersections should be reversed. Currently, for Eastbound traffic, the light at Cambridge and Lincoln turns green before the light at Cambridge and Harvard, so cars make it through the first intersection just to have to wait at another light where traffic has not started moving yet (the same situation applies for traffic in the other direction). It would be better(for Eastbound traffic for example) if the light at Cambridge and Harvard turned green before the light at Cambridge and Lincoln, so that traffic would already be moving prior to the light at Lincoln turning green. For Westbound traffic, the light at Cambridge and Lincoln should turn green prior to the light at Cambridge and Harvard.] Is the Pole knocked down: [No] What kind of pole is it: [Vertical Pole]

    CLOSED #101001247731
  • Traffic Signal Repair

    Intersection Of Chestnut Hill Ave And Commonwealth Ave, Brighton, Ma

    What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Flashing/Blinking] Please explain: [This intersection traffic lights have been intermittently for at least 3 weeks. Flashing red for comm ave and flashing yellow for chestnut hill avenue. There are no less 18 lanes of traffic, pedestrians, bike lanes, trolley traffic along comm AND chestnut hill ave and buses. Please get this permanently fixed as soon as possible - I cannot believe someone has not gotten hurt or killed by now.] What kind of pole is it: [Vertical Pole]

    CLOSED #101001081231
  • Traffic Signal Repair

    Intersection Of Hyde Park Ave And West St, Hyde Park, Ma

    Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Controller/Timing Issues] Please explain: [Every Wednesday, for the past 4 weeks, an automatic pedestrian light becomes part of the light cycle and screws up traffic on Wednesday and Thursday. Southbound traffic on Hyde Park Ave backs up to American Legion Highway. Northbound traffic backs up all the way through Cleary Square which is already a mess. I drive through this intersection 20 times a week and if I see 2 people cross the street here, it is a busy week. I have full confidence that my neighbors who need to cross the street can press the button when they need to cross. Somebody over there need to use their head and turn OFF all automatic pedestrian lights. They screw up traffic all over the city (Columbia Rd & Hancock St, Columbia Rd and Dorchester Ave immediately come to mind). I have no problem pushing the button when I need to cross and neither do my family, friends and neighbors. Come on folks, the last few years you people have done everything you can to make driving a car in the city a miserable proposition (goofy bike lanes and poorly timed lights to name a couple). It isn't fair to the citizens that have to count on their cars for transportation.] Is the Pole knocked down: [No] What kind of pole is it: [Vertical Pole]

    CLOSED #101000944315
  • Traffic Signal Repair

    Intersection Of Franklin St And N Harvard St, Allston, Ma

    Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Controller/Timing Issues] Please explain: [The traffic sensor at this intersection does not appear to be calibrated to sense bicycles. This is a problem since the Franklin St. bike lanes connect with the N. Harvard bike lanes which serve as a thoroughfare for connecting cyclists to the Western Ave. cycletrack and ultimately the Charles River bike path. This intersection gets a lot of cyclist traffic. I've seen many cyclists making a left turn on the red light because the light will not change for cyclists.] Is the Pole knocked down: [No]

    CLOSED #101000921189
  • Traffic Signal Repair

    Intersection Of Massachusetts Ave And Tremont St, Roxbury, Ma

    What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Other] Please explain: [Thanks for the bike infrastructure; I have become lawful year round cyclist as a result. But the bike induction loop for that turning lane is not functional (but opposite induction loop on Mass Ave and Tremont seems to be working and may be possibly overriding this light). Therefore, the traffic light does not allow for the left turning green arrow, but instead becomes all green in both direction not allowing to turn. I've tried with several different bikes including a steel bike at different areas of the apparent loop, but have same (lack of) result over the past several months (especially when the turning lane is empty behind me or if there is a cyclist on the opposite direction). It can be a harrowing experience waiting at a stand still between fast traffic on both sides, especially from behind. Please resolve this light. Thanks again. The location is mapped in the link.,-71.080449&spn=0.003359,0.004823&sll=42.340212,-71.0812&sspn=0.003359,0.004823&t=h&hnear=Massachusetts+Ave+%26+Tremont+St,+Boston,+Suffolk,+Massachusetts+02118&z=18] Is the Pole knocked down: [No] What kind of pole is it: [Over the Street Pole]

    CLOSED #101000793833
  • Traffic Signal Repair

    Intersection Of Arlington St And Boylston St, Boston, Ma

    Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Other] Please explain: [This issue is not about a missing traffic light specifically, but maybe a better street light would help. It would be great if the city could give a little more direction on whether you can turn left from south-bound Arlington onto East-bound Boylston from the middle lane. I was riding my bike in the-left most lane, turned left onto boylston where i was headed through the "pass through" to get all the way to the right when a car from the center lane of Arlington turns left and nearly hits me, and gets angry at me. Please provide clearer direction as to what each lane can do. Thank you, Rennie Elliott] What kind of pole is it: [Vertical Pole]

    CLOSED #101000159728
  • Traffic Signal Repair

    Intersection Of Commonwealth Ave And University Rd, Boston, Ma

    Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Controller/Timing Issues] Please explain: [The timing of the lights in this area is completely awful, resulting in massive traffic tie-ups. Cyclists are also competing with the traffic, making the whole area a nightmare. Perhaps the light that controls traffic on Comm. Ave. and University Road should not change to green so quickly after the light on Mountfort and Comm. Ave. changes to red and vice versa. Between the traffic from Mountfort trying to go in three directions (to University Rd, to the BU bridge, and to Comm. Ave.), traffic on Comm. Ave. also going in several directions, and the bike lane, there needs to be a better transition. Too many people on both roads speed up to make the yellow and end up making a mess in that intersection. Likewise, there should be a traffic light for people coming from University Road into Comm. Ave., as they also tie up traffic since they try to go with either set of traffic.] Is the Pole knocked down: [No] What kind of pole is it: [Over the Street Pole]

    CLOSED #101000150020




Ticket Type

  • Traffic Signal Repair (Remove)