Reports (1,202)

  • Pothole

    Intersection Of W Walnut Park And Amory St, Roxbury, Ma

    corner of W Walnut Park and Amory has a big dip that is not able to drain and therefore ices over, needs filling

    OPEN #101005824075
  • Other

    112 Norfolk St, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Drain sink water standing causing ice report it water dept for repairs | Case (SR) Type: [Miscellaneous] Referred To: [BWSC (All Cases)]

    OPEN #101005823398
  • City/State Snow Issues

    Intersection Of Truman Pkwy And Neponset Valley Pkwy, Hyde Park, Ma

    Constituent reported that there is ice at the mentioned intersection in the right lane. Notified DCR @6:01am and they stated that DOT does that side of things. Notified DOT @6:03pm | Referred To: [Mass DCR]

    OPEN #101005821598
  • Other

    Intersection Of Sylvester Rd And Gallivan Blvd, Dorchester, Ma

    Very ice by car dealership | Case (SR) Type: [Mass DOT] Referred To: [Mass DOT]

    OPEN #101005819461
  • Illegal Parking

    Intersection Of First Ave And Thirteenth St, Charlestown, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    ICE car parked in EV only spot 1st Ave Charlestown 12/8, 10:50. Preventing me from charging.

    OPEN #101005813758
  • Broken Sidewalk

    207 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, Ma, 02115

    Broken sidewalk ramp area— hole in pavement is always filled with water or ice. No way for wheelchair bound people to cross.

    OPEN #101005813754
  • Broken Sidewalk

    317 Marlborough St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Image submitted with report

    Dangerous sidewalk - the sidewalk is depressed around tree limbs and creates a hazardous water and ice situation. This is the fifth time we have notified the city about this condition.

    OPEN #101005812666
  • Broken Sidewalk

    Intersection Of Parker St And Ruggles St, Boston, Ma

    Constitunet states the entire sidewalk on Ruggles st from Parker st to Huntington ave is sunken in so everytime there is any type of percipitation with frezzing temps, this whole sidewalk is a sheet of ice. Asking that this sidewalk please be repaired becuase it is very dangerous because people are walking in the street to avoid the ice. | Cause of damage: [Normal deterioration]

    OPEN #101005812117
  • Broken Sidewalk

    24 Worcester Sq, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report

    Depression in brick sidewalk causing water accumulation after rain. The water pools in the depression and when temperature hover around 30-32F like today, there is an ICE development risk and subsequent potential for PERSONAL INJURY.

    OPEN #101005811026
  • Other

    3 Robert St, Roslindale, Ma, 02131

    Roslindale Village Commuter Rail Stop- Stairs and walkway not shoveled or treated with ice melt-slushy and very slippery | Case (SR) Type: [MBTA] Referred To: [MBTA]

    OPEN #101005810789