Reports (2,714,559)
Illegal Parking
Three cars in no parking zone.
OPEN #101006007470 -
Illegal Parking
Tow Zone/Bus stop | How is the car parked illegally: [Other] Details: [3 vehicles]
OPEN #101006007467 -
Illegal Parking
Tow zone intersection | Make: [Chevy] Color: [RedOrange] Vehicle License Plate Registration: [1xrv69] Vehicle License Plate State: [MA]
OPEN #101006007465 -
Grey Honda is parked very close to the middle of the street, the street is already narrow the Honda needs to be closer to the sidewalk
OPEN #101006007462 -
Dead Animal Pickup
Dead goose on beach
OPEN #101006007461 -
Needle Cleanup
Exposed needles found in the grass and placed in the crack of the wall at the address 115 Boston Common Deer Park Maintenance Yard.
OPEN #101006007460 -
Needle Cleanup
Need at the too of the rock park
OPEN #101006007459