Reports (2,701,808)

  • Other

    Intersection Of Causeway St And Haverhill St And Legends Way, Boston, Ma

    Hi, I’d like to report loud noise outside our apartment on Causeway St/Haverhill St. The noise is disturbing our sleep, and it seems to be ongoing. Please investigate. Thank you!

    OPEN #101005961240
  • Other

    310 Washington St, Boston, Ma, 02108

    Image submitted with report

    Political public projection on Old South Meeting House  suggesting our duly elected president (who won in a landslide) is a tyrant. 

    OPEN #101005961239
  • Other

    Intersection Of Causeway St And Haverhill St And Legends Way, Boston, Ma

    loud drilling past construction hours!! waking up the neighborhood and our kids. it’s nearly 2am, please have some respect

    OPEN #101005961237
  • Illegal Parking

    9 W School St, Charlestown, Ma, 02129

    20 min parking limit | How is the car parked illegally: [Other] Type of vehicle: [Van] Details: [White UHAUL Van] Model: [Van] Color: [White]

    OPEN #101005961230
  • Pothole

    Intersection Of Prentiss St And Tremont St, Mission Hill, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Giant pothole in the middle of the intersection of Prentiss st and Tremont St

    OPEN #101005961226
  • Illegal Parking

    391 397 Congress St, Boston, Ma, 02210 (Inactive)

    Image submitted with report

    Cars parked longer than 15 minutes

    OPEN #101005961220
  • Illegal Parking

    400 Summer St, Boston, Ma, 02210 (Inactive)

    Image submitted with report

    Cars parked longer than 15 minutes

    OPEN #101005961219
  • Illegal Parking

    403 E Seventh St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

    Grey car blocking hydrant

    OPEN #101005961216
  • Illegal Parking

    153 W Third St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

    Image submitted with report

    Parked in tow zone

    OPEN #101005961215
  • Requests for Street Cleaning

    120 Appleton St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    There has been A LOT of trash on Appleton St in the South End lately, along with the surrounding area. I’m not exactly sure what’s happening but trash is lol over the place, all over the ground up and down Appleton St. Would appreciate a team coming to the area and cleaning up the streets and Side walk please.

    OPEN #101005961214



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