Reports (2,490,211)

  • Illegal Parking

    3995 3997 Washington St, Roslindale, Ma, 02131

    Image submitted with report

    4 cars parked in no parking zones. This is all day every day. Please hold the Budega responsible

    CLOSED #101005428057

    Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.

  • Abandoned Vehicle

    853 E Broadway, South Boston, Ma, 02127

    White jeep Vehicle parked on E Broadway with hazards for hours at 853 E Broadway in middle of lane | Make of the abandoned car: [JEEP] Color of the abandoned car: [WHITE]

    CLOSED #101005428054

    Case Noted. Please notify parking enforcement for illegally parked vehicles.

  • Contractor Complaints

    341 Harrison Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    CLOSED #101005428051

    Case Invalid. eform error.

  • Empty Litter Basket

    851 857 A Washington St, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Image submitted with report

    Why is this issue closed , and the barrel and problem still there..?????

    CLOSED #101005428052

    Resolved. Fyi,this is a private pickup up,this in not a city issued recycling cart ,and it's on Fuller St,not Washington St.

  • Graffiti Removal

    26 28 Hobart St, Brighton, Ma, 02135

    Image submitted with report

    Graffiti on street at 26-28 Hobart Street. Yellow lines painted. Please remove or cover.

    OPEN #101005428053
  • Illegal Parking

    Intersection Of Braintree St And Hano St, Brighton, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Hello, this zone is no parking. Now that there are construction vehicles everywhere, nobody is getting ticketed for parking here, even if they block the driveway Since it is clearly marked, no parking, can BTD and the police come around and ticket these cars like they used to before the construction started? This is a no stopping anytime Tow zone. Also, there never should be parking in front of the driveway. Thank you.

    CLOSED #101005428049

    Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.

  • Broken Sidewalk

    8 Baker Pl, West Roxbury, Ma, 02132

    Cause of damage: [Normal deterioration] Sidewalk material: [Other] If 'Other', please specify: [Rock]

    CLOSED #101005428048

    Resolved. Patched with hot patch by bpw.

  • Residential Trash out Illegally

    66 Fenway, Boston, Ma, 02115

    66 The Fenway has an improperly disposed of mattress in front of their building that has been there for about a week.

    CLOSED #101005428044

    Resolved. Mattresses needs to be scheduled for pickup by calling 311.

  • Other

    Intersection Of Commonwealth Ave And Chestnut Hill Ave, Brighton, Ma

    Homeless person sleeping in woods by reservoir

    OPEN #101005428043
  • Other

    Intersection Of Braintree St And Everett St, Brighton, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    At the intersection of Everett Street and Braintree Street by 129 Braintree St., under the bridge is a one-way street going westbound. For many years until construction began police with set up a trap and ticket dozens, maybe hundreds of confused people trying to get to Braintree Street. Well, there is other construction in the area. This is still a one-way street. The reason people were ticketed was because there’s no stop sign so they just come flying out an extreme hazard. Now that it is a stream of construction workers, and not regular people , the police no longer ticket them. They can go the wrong way down that one-way street over and over with their passenger vehicles and pick up trucks and they never get a ticket. They never have the points on their license and they are treated differently because they are part of that construction project. Can somebody ask the police to start ticketing again? Why should these construction workers from out of town put everyone’s life in danger and have no penalty? see this pick up truck with Massachusetts license plate number 3TN322. This is one of the dozens of vehicles that will come through beeping at people who legitimately stop at the stop sign and are going in the right direction. Please, let’s have some equal treatment

    OPEN #101005428036



Ticket Type