Reports (2,481,487)

  • Illegal Parking

    Intersection Of Penniman Rd And Hano St, Allston, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    1CE 946. Generic dodge vehicle parked on the sidewalk again

    CLOSED #101005428075

    Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.

  • General Lighting Request

    44 Boylston St, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    Image submitted with report

    Converting old rect to new rect

    CLOSED #101005428069

    Resolved. Converted old style Rect to LED Arieta fixture.

  • Rodent Activity

    186 Dorchester St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

    Rat bites: [No] Rats in the house: [No] Rats outside of property: [Yes] What is the nature of the problem: [Rodents seen during the day and evening hours. Constituent reports trash, rodents, etc. at this location - rear of the property is reported as the concern. Request for an inspector asap.]

    CLOSED #101005428068

    Duplicate of Existing Case. 101005428081 is the case number esd will follow up on.

  • Illegal Parking

    25 Penniman Rd, Allston, Ma, 02134

    Image submitted with report

    X44 565 GMC pickup parked on the sidewalk.

    CLOSED #101005428066

    Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.

  • Requests for Street Cleaning

    22 Kimball St, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    Image submitted with report

    Tire on sidewalk

    CLOSED #101005428063

    Resolved. Tire removed.

  • Illegal Parking

    12 Child St, Hyde Park, Ma, 02136

    3 cars parked on the sidewalk and one car is jacked up only 3 tires. | The closest intersecting street: [Gorden ave] How is the car parked illegally: [Other]

    CLOSED #101005428065

    Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.

  • Illegal Parking

    10 Wabon St, Dorchester, Ma, 02121

    Btd for the last 3 weeks have not tagged cars for street cleaning. Either they are coming earlier than the designated time or not showing up at all like today. The streetcleaner came by and just went around the cars

    CLOSED #101005428062

    Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.

  • Needle Cleanup

    480 480 A Shawmut Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report


    CLOSED #101005428061

    Resolved. 1 syringe recovered nearby the beginning of the Alley jg.

  • Illegal Parking

    91 W Dedham St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report

    Fire lane parking for past 2 days

    CLOSED #101005428060

    Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.

  • Other

    54 Rexford St, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    The constituent is 60 years old and needs help rebuilding the back porch as it has become unstable. She is also in need of someone to help her fix her fence that has fallen down. | Case (SR) Type: [Elderly Concerns] Referred To: [DND: LOW INCOME HOME REPAIR]

    CLOSED #101005428059

    Case Resolved. Status: Completed - Redirected Resolution: to HOS R OBrien.



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