Reports (2,640,866)

  • Illegal Parking

    49 Woodrow Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Image submitted with report

    Commercial truck parked overnight.

    OPEN #101005795820
  • Illegal Parking

    1980 Commonwealth Ave, Brighton, Ma, 02135

    Image submitted with report

    This New Jersey car keeps parking overnights at Resident only parking on Chestnut Hill Driveway (facing the reservoir)

    OPEN #101005795819
  • Other

    1728 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Image submitted with report

    Ray Bolger Mural tagged. Sad, People are just culturally illiterate aren't they? This is why we can't have cool things in Dorchester. We are held Hostage by banal criminals.

    OPEN #101005795818
  • Requests for Street Cleaning

    402 W First St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

    Image submitted with report

    It was delayed until Friday, which is today, therefore I opened the ticket correctly. Please pick up the recycling.

    CLOSED #101005795816

    Noted. Materials are serviced at 402 E First,and not current location, please be advised that constituents are responsible for having materials in correct collection area, going forward cart must be in correct area for collection.

  • Streetlights

    Intersection Of Lyford St And Callender St, Dorchester, Ma

    Street light out in corner of Lyford and Callender street.

    OPEN #101005795817
  • Other

    15 Everett Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    Image submitted with report

    White box on the side of telephone pole has the cover open. | Case (SR) Type: [Miscellaneous] Referred To: [Broadband and Cable Office]

    OPEN #101005795815
  • Needle Cleanup

    815 817 Harrison Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Constituent is calling to report there is a needle on the ground in the middle of the alley way. | Needle Quantity: [One] Property Location Type: [Private]

    CLOSED #101005795812

    Resolved. Recovered.RA.

  • Illegal Parking

    95 Metropolitan Ave, Unit 1, Roslindale, Ma, 02131

    blocking driveway | How is the car parked illegally: [Other] Make: [Honda] Model: [SUV] Color: [White]

    OPEN #101005795810
  • Other

    Intersection Of Michelangelo St And Charter St, Boston, Ma

    The constituent reports that there are unsheltered individuals sleeping at Eliot Elementary School and have been seen in the area frequently. With the weather becoming very cold, they are concerned about the individuals' well-being and fear they may freeze. Please provide assistance to them. Thank | Case (SR) Type: [Unsheltered Persons] Referred To: [UNSHELTERED PERSONS]

    CLOSED #101005795808

    Case Resolved. Outreach will continue to monitor CRT.

  • Other

    40 A 40 S Russell St, Boston, Ma, 02114

    Image submitted with report

    A person at 40 S Russell St. is running a messy electrical cord from their apartment across the sidewalk and the street. This creates a dangerous tripping hazard for people walking down the street. It also creates a hazard for people driving down the street, since the cord has not been secured at all.

    CLOSED #101005795806

    Noted. Np violation found upon arrival at location at this time.



Ticket Type