Reports (2,710,479)
Damaged Sign
Stop sign at the intersection of waverly and western have was hit and has fallen down. The stop sign is currently lying on waverly. Please replace.
OPEN #101005980897 -
Illegal Parking
Silver mini car with out of state plates parked over driveway and in resident permit parking
OPEN #101005980896 -
Requests for Street Cleaning
Household trash dumped all over the curb on pickup night. Likely not from a neighbor?
OPEN #101005980895 -
Illegal Parking
Multiple cars in resident permit parking without stickers
OPEN #101005980894 -
Illegal Parking
Silver Toyota hatchback with New Mexico plates parked in resident permit parking and on curb of driveway
OPEN #101005980893 -
Residential Trash out Illegally
Mattesses and frame dumps behind 1263 Commonwealth Ave in alleyway blocking traffic
OPEN #101005980890 -
Requests for Street Cleaning
Another night more garbage in front of Becca's kitchen. This is literally every single day.
OPEN #101005980889 -
Illegal Parking
Same car illegally parked all weekend
OPEN #101005980887 -
Illegal Parking
For documentation vehicle is blocking driveway.
OPEN #101005980885
Ticket Type
- Other (538,407)
- Illegal Parking (444,433)
- Requests for Street Cleaning (222,524)
- Pothole (148,761)
- Residential Trash out Illegally (134,413)
- Streetlights (104,331)
- Snow Plowing/Salting (84,407)
- Tree Maintenance Requests (77,879)
- Damaged Sign (69,308)
- Needle Cleanup (67,733)
- Broken Sidewalk (67,390)
- Dead Animal Pickup (61,229)
- Poor Conditions of Property (59,206)
- Abandoned Vehicle (58,272)
- Graffiti Removal (54,508)
- Unsatisfactory Living Conditions (46,641)
- Sidewalk Not Shoveled (45,599)
- Rodent Activity (44,850)
- Empty Litter Basket (28,005)
- New Tree Requests (24,716)
- Sidewalk Repair (20,878)
- Tree Emergencies (20,788)
- Graffiti Removal (20,053)
- Traffic Signal Repair (19,788)
- Illegal Dumping (19,248)
- General Lighting Request (17,574)
- Residential Trash out Illegally (17,127)
- Park Maintenance Requests (15,205)
- Contractor Complaints (13,416)
- Highway Maintenance (12,312)
- Pest Infestation - Residential (12,116)
- Missing Sign (11,450)
- Abandoned Bicycle (11,377)
- Poor Conditions of Property (10,649)
- Streetlight Knock Downs (8,695)
- Space Savers (7,419)
- Illegal Dumping (7,138)
- Major System Failure (7,138)
- Other Snow Issues (6,979)
- Catchbasin (6,764)
- Roadway Repair (4,808)
- Sidewalk Cover / Manhole (4,035)
- Overflowing or Unkept Dumpster (3,559)
- Work Hours - Loud Noise Complaints (3,554)
- Knockdown Replacement (2,959)
- Trash on Vacant Lot (2,861)
- Fire Hydrant (2,727)
- Pavement Marking Maintenance (2,718)
- Park Improvement Requests (2,412)
- Utility Casting Repair (2,381)
- Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking) (2,052)
- Illegal Auto Body Shop (1,980)
- Request for Litter Basket Installation (1,817)
- Abandoned Building (1,786)
- Construction Debris (1,781)
- Student Move-in Issues (1,582)
- Litter Basket Maintenance (1,502)
- Tree in Park (1,383)
- General Traffic Engineering Request (1,369)
- Illegal Posting of Signs (1,231)
- Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking) (1,167)
- Parking Meter Repairs (1,162)
- City/State Snow Issues (988)
- Illegal Vending (919)
- Short Term Rental (901)
- Construction Debris (816)
- BWSC Pothole (779)
- Illegal Posting of Signs (702)
- Fire Department Request (640)
- Install New Lighting (618)
- Upgrade Existing Lighting (501)
- MBTA Request (423)
- Downed Wire (386)
- Cemetery Maintenance Request (368)
- Pigeon Infestation (360)
- Illegal Vending (313)
- Watermain Break (292)
- Short Measure - Gas (267)
- Scanning Overcharge (230)
- Bridge Maintenance (221)
- Item Price Missing (177)
- Municipal Parking Lot Complaints (170)
- No Price on Gas/Wrong Price (135)
- Unit Pricing Wrong/Missing (132)
- Roadway Flooding (131)
- Pedestrian Safety Issues (113)
- Valet Parking Problems (99)
- Private Parking Lot Complaints (94)
- Product Short Measure (64)
- Water in Gas - High Priority (34)
- Power Outage (32)
- Scale Not Visible (19)
- Oil Truck - Short Measure (2)
- Oil Truck - No Price Per Gallon (1)