Reports (2,587,079)
Broken Sidewalk
Handicap bump pads are broken is a trip hazard. There are 2 broken ones along the MFA sidewalk.
OPEN #101005685318 -
Dead Animal Pickup
Dead animal on sidewalk/roadway: [Sidewalk] Type of animal: [Cat] Please explain: [ac&c notified 9:33am] Date when animal seen: [09/16/2024] Time when animal seen: [09:32]
OPEN #101005685314 -
Requests for Street Cleaning
Improper trash dumping
OPEN #101005685311 -
Constantly taking up parking spaces. We are not able to to park.This is a constant issue and concern. Parking is so sparse in the this residential neighborhood to do such a thing like this. What can be done here?
OPEN #101005685312 -
Requests for Street Cleaning
I filed a report about trash in the trees. You marked it resolved. As you can see, there is still trash in the tree. Come on.
OPEN #101005685307 -
Illegal Parking
Person parked on grass
OPEN #101005685306 -
Illegal Parking
Pepsi delivery to 7-eleven blocks the crosswalk every time
OPEN #101005685304 -
Contractor Complaints
Type of Work: [Utility Excavation Work] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Please specify details.: [Constituent is upset that there are no parking spots on beacon street becasue the city allows construiction workers to park their commercial vehicles in resident spots. These commercial vehicles and moving make it impossible to park. States that the commercial workers are not the people hat vote. requesting a call back about the pakring situation and number of street occupancy permits handed out.]
OPEN #101005685299