Reports (2,698,908)

  • Residential Trash out Illegally

    Intersection Of Albemarle St And Albemarle Ter, Boston, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Trash - rats ran out of it when I approached

    OPEN #101005956728
  • Illegal Parking

    126 Chandler St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Image submitted with report

    Double parked on Chandler St

    OPEN #101005956727
  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    Intersection Of Canal St And Causeway St, Boston, Ma

    As a longtime female resident, worker, shopper, community volunteer and mother in this area, I am really surprised, offended and frankly appalled that the city, the Bruins, Celtics and TD Garden allow (mostly adult male) vendors outside the TD Garden to sell vulgar tshirts and merchandise. Every day my husband or I walk by that area with our children on our way home from school, the grocery store, taking my kids to karate or gymnastics and there are grown (mostly) male vendors yelling obscenities and waving disgusting words on a tshirt in my 6-year old daughter’s and 8 year old son’s face. This is in the middle of the day, not late night. This area used to be seedy with just the Garden and bars l, but now it has residents, families and children. Vendors should not be permitted to sell adult, R-rated merchandise on the street outside my home. I love and care about this neighborhood. Please take action!!!! | Type of posting: [Other]

    OPEN #101005956726
  • Other

    69 Sycamore St, Roslindale, Ma, 02131

    Alarm at construction site at Irving school going all night for second night in a row. Last night (March 5), it was sounding until after 3 AM. It started about 30 minutes ago and is on track to once again be on all night, keeping the entire neighborhood awake. Please remedy immediately.

    OPEN #101005956725
  • Residential Trash out Illegally

    50 52 Marion St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

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    52 Marion St. household trash out in the barrel today’s Thursday garbage is picked up on Monday in Eagle Hill. It’s in a plastic bag which the rats have already ripped open.

    OPEN #101005956724
  • Rodent Activity

    21 Ramsey St, 3, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    Number of rats: [16] Rat bites: [No] Rats in the house: [Yes] Rats outside of property: [No] What is the nature of the problem: [Const reports an aggressive amount of rodents in the third floor unit at this address. States the rodents run across the stove top and the furniture, making it hard for the residents to cook. States Maloney Properties has been aware for the past few months, but they have not followed through with any resolution to the problem. Also states they have seen roaches in the unit that have not been addressed by management. Requesting assistance.]

    OPEN #101005956723
  • Illegal Parking

    5 Telegraph St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

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    Jeep Wrangler (MA: 4A45) parked in resident parking without a displayed parking permit

    OPEN #101005956721
  • Illegal Parking

    57 M St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

    Out of state plates in resident only street

    OPEN #101005956720
  • Other

    Intersection Of Strathmore Rd And Chestnut Hill Ave, Brighton, Ma

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    This sign location and direction doesn’t make any sense because it’s at the curb intersection. There is also another sign pointed the same direction that says no parking…

    OPEN #101005956718
  • Illegal Parking

    57 Seaport Blvd, Boston, Ma, 02210

    Image submitted with report

    Parked in no stopping zone.

    OPEN #101005956719



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